Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Knit Out Part 2

Here we have from left to right, Alerievay,
Cooknknit and Mikomaio.

Artysgal,,, TheShizzknit

I finally got to meet Bean,,, I'm just sorry I didnt have a chance to spindle with her!

The girls having some lunch before I had to find my girlfriend (who I'm trying to convert into a knitter!)

It was a gorgeous day for the Knit Out,,, I totally enjoyed myself. I even ran into Lisa who owns the Yarn Girl Yarn store on Staten Island. I only recognized her due to her carrying her felted bag which looks like a bouquet of flowers! Sadly, I was rushing, she was rushing,, and I didn't get to snap a pic of it.

After I found my girlfriend,, we had gone to lunch at Cosi's on Broadway. So nice to have lunch and sit outside (dual purpose,, knitting, and smoking, lol). I saw Amy Singer go by, walking down the street,,,, I let her be,,, seemed like she was enjoying her quiet time.

One thing tho I had to take a pic of.

Only in New York do you see someone walking their dog in a doggy baby carriage.

You decide tho,,,

Model or Ho?

I havent a clue anymore!


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